Posted by: smortimer | 2009/07/13

Learning the Ins and Outs of Blogging

I have been trying to learn more about the art of professional blogging.  SEO, and Sitemaps, and so on and so on.  It’s enough to make your head spin.  I have found some plugins and have tried to activate them.  With more or less success.

What I have learned is that blogging can be alot more complicated than I thought.  I have learned some things, and I am confused about others.  But I am puttering along.

Another thing I have figured out doing this is that I am much better able to concentrate and learn things in the morning.  When I work on this blog in the mornings before work I have much more success with writing.  Doing it at night after work and I am not as good at writing or learning.  I really am a morning person I guess.

I will have to keep plugging away at it and soon I will be blogging expert.

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